5 Tips to Have a Safe and Happy Halloween

Halloween is a night of tricks, treats, and make believe. Whether you are attending a frightfully fun Halloween party or spending the evening binging monster movies it is important to ensure that your family and home are safe and protected. These tips will guarantee that you and your family have a safe and happy Halloween.
Tip 1: Keep Walkways Clear for Trick-or-Treaters
With all the trick-or-treaters going door to door, the best way to avoid injuries and accidents is to keep your walkways well-lit and clear of decorations and objects that could cause someone to trip. While it is important to ensure your walkway is free from jack-o-lanterns and goblins, it is also essential to keep walkways clear of harder to see objects such as wiring and electrical cords.
Tip 2: Park your Car in the Garage
A night of tricks and treats, Halloween, has often been given the name, “Mischief Night”. However, this mischief often goes beyond a harmless prank. According to the 2013 Highway Loss Data Institute (HLDI) bulletin on vandalism, Halloween sees 81% more car vandalism claims than any other day of the year.
Here are some suggestions to deter vandals and keep your car safe:
- Park your car in the garage.
- If you must park in the driveway, install motion sensor lights to keep your home well lit.
- Avoid parking your car in a dark area near large objects that vandals can hide behind.
- Don’t leave valuable items or electronics in your car.
- Protect your car with an auto insurance policy.
Tip 3: Keep Walkways and Areas Around the House Well-Lit
In addition to keeping trick-or-treaters safe, ensuring that the area around your house is well-lit will deter vandals and robbers. According to Travelers Insurance, Halloween sees a 24% rise in crime-related insurance claims. Keeping your house, walkways, and driveway well-lit can greatly reduce the chance of vandals and robbers breaking into your home.
Tip 4: Use Flameless Candles for Jack-O-Lanterns
Carving jack-o-lanterns is a beloved Halloween tradition; however, it can quickly cause your night to go up in flames if the jack-o-lantern candles get knocked over. The best way to avoid a fire and have a safe and happy Halloween is to use flameless, electric candles.
Tip 5: Get Insurance at Burke, Bogart & Brownell
The most important way that you can protect your family and your home this Halloween is to secure an auto insurance policy and a home insurance policy.
At Burke, Bogart, and Brownell we pride ourselves on providing first rate customer service and we are here to thoroughly address any of your questions or concerns.
For 48 years, we have built our agency to be client focused. Your needs come first, and we believe in doing the right thing, always.
Contact us for more information on how to protect yourself, your family, and your assets. Your insurance agent here at Burke, Bogart, and Brownell is always happy to assist you and answer any questions. Call us at 561-392-8888.
Have a safe and happy Halloween!